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Continued Learning

When you've finished with your Foundational classes (My First Class, Sewing 101 and Sewing 102 or Sewing 2.0) and are ready to move on to your personal projects, there are lots of flexible, affordable options to continue your sewing experiences with Sew Bestie! Check out the packages available below.

OPen Sewing

Students that have finished their Foundational projects are welcome to join the Open Sewing - where they can let us know the direction they would like to learn in this Continued learning class. Each Student is responsible to provide their own materials and patterns (please ask our instructors if you need any guidance or help figuring out what project to move on to next). 


Instructors are available on site to help you learn the skills needed to progress through your next level of sewing, understanding patterns and processes to put your next project together.

Workshops & Skill Builders

​Skill Builders


Sessions designed for Skill based learning. Some classes may be centered around a specific project or skill set.




Project based classes. Can be found under the "Workshops" tab and calendar.


What's Next...?

The possibilities of sewing are endless! Want to learn how to make bags? Clothes? Stuffed animals? Seriously, there is SEW much out there! Continued Learning classes are perfect for your next step. At Sew Bestie, our goal is to teach you the skills needed so that you are comfortable creating whatever it is that your heart desires. We can help walk you through patterns of your choice, suggest patterns, materials and projects to gear your learning in the direction you want to go. Materials and patterns are the responsibility of each student at this stage, however, we often have access to donated materials, and a plethora of free patterns available online. We can also guide students in the direction of purchasing quality patterns and materials from vendors and stores that we recommend. Our Headquarters in our Oceanside Location also has a limited retail section that includes materials, supplies and pre-cut kits for certain projects.

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